Katie & James : Engagement | McGowan Images Blog


Katie & James : Engagement

If you’re friends with me (Chelsea) or Mack on Facebook, you will have seen lots of mention of the current home renovation we’re undergoing. I promise, when it’s done (somewhere in the wonderful, sweet, quite nebulous future), we’ll be sharing some fun “Before & After” photos of all the work we’re doing. But admittedly, right now, it’s hard to see past the hardcore bummer of not being able to decorate our home for Christmas. It’s no secret that we go HARD for holidays, and we’ve always done big Christmas. So this year, we’re getting it in other ways, trying to pump our lives full of that spirit of cheer even if we can’t have a living room tree.

So you can bet that when Katie said she wanted to fully embrace the Christmas season in her engagement session with James, I JUMPED for joy and started planning all sorts of seasonal wonderfulness. This session is so perfectly THEM, and made our hearts so happy to photograph. I’m in love with every single frame, and if their reactions to the sneak peeks are any indication, Katie & James will love them just as much. 🙂

Check out some of our favorites from this snuggly-wonderful Christmas engagement session!


Grrrrr… girlfriend, you’s a hottie.


Hot cocoa, gingerbread cookies, and classic records make for a perfect holiday picnic!


Sundance Square at Christmas is a special kind of magical!


You. GUYS. So much wonderful. What a great way to kick off 2015’s excitement! Pensacola will be here before you know it, and we’re so jazzed to get to go on your wedding adventure with you!

  1. Katie says:

    Chelsea and Mack, I am speechless and in tears! These pictures are better than I could’ve dreamed! Thank you for capturing our love for each other with your amazing talent! I loved every minute of the experience! And whoa…I really am a hottie!!!!

  2. Lauren says:

    Gah! So much pretty!! I have the warm Christmas fuzzies! These pictures are just so perfect! Chelsea & Mack, y’all do such an awesome job showcasing life’s special moments. It is such a treat to see your work on the blog everyday.

  3. Emily Davis says:

    To my lovely friend Katie – what glorious pictures of you both! Kudos to all involved and I am so happy for you!

  4. Robin says:

    Absolutely wonderful, gorgeous! You captured the true “glow” of Katie’s and James’ happiness! Chelsea and Mack – you create such incredible images. I’ve been smiling all morning!

  5. Aaron says:

    McG being McG, sharing their amazing gift, (insert British accent) well done mates! Katie, you are stunning! You two look and are absolutely perfect together. (P.S. Love the dress and boots!)

  6. James says:

    Thank you for these gifts. Each picture a present – captures our joy in the moment, and is wrapped with your talent, imagination, and humor. I look so forward to opening them all. Corny metaphors aside… Thanks.

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