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Some of my “monthly” posts of Dottie’s first year have been really long, because I had a great idea, or Dot was in a great mood, or a combination of both. For her 11 month pictures, we’re a bit on the lighter side. Lighter, and late, as a matter of fact. The great thing is, […]

Dottie is 11 Months Old (and we have bluebonnets!)

Good morning, friends! Mack and I are running our legs off today. Three shoots and two meetings… whew! I guess that means vacation is officially over. BUT, vacation being officially over means that we have lots of vacation PICTURES to share with you! A little techie speak — we made this a one-lens trip… we […]

McG On The High Seas! — a vacation recap


On Monday, my baby boy turned 8. EIGHT. That’s, like, almost in double digits. I’m in disbelief. How could my sweet little baby be so ooooooold? He looks like this still, in my head: This was our first picture together: And now? Well… now, he looks like this: WAAAAAHHH!!! Not cool. He’ll be a teenager […]
